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Search Engine Optimization for Bloggers(SEO)

Search Engine Optimization for Bloggers(SEO)

Unfortunately, writing great blog posts isn’t enough these days for readers to find a site. Search engine optimization (SEO) is needed to ensure that sites are indexed properly by search engine spiders. If a site is fully optimized, it will receive many more...
Labour Day in Serbia as Important Holiday

Labour Day in Serbia as Important Holiday

Hello Internet. I’ve just came back from holidays and i thought i could write about holiday itself as i was asked numerous times from people around the world about how and what do we do in Serbia when labor day comes. What’s labor day? Labor day is famous...
Gaming “>=” Life? We’ll Never Know!

Gaming “>=” Life? We’ll Never Know!

Gaming as passion Gaming seems to be a very famous hobby nowadays. We all played games at some point in our lives. Some of us just tried it, others never stopped. I am probably included in ones that never stopped :D, After all, it doesn’t matter as long as we...
Blogging – Beginning of my Online Journey

Blogging – Beginning of my Online Journey

I’ve always wanted a website and blog Finally! Blogging idea is becoming a reality! I’ve made my own website with a blog included. It’s been a few years already that I am making a bunch of websites for other people and all my clients. Now I’ve...