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Blogging – Beginning of my Online Journey

I’ve always wanted a website and blog

Finally! Blogging idea is becoming a reality! I’ve made my own website with a blog included. It’s been a few years already that I am making a bunch of websites for other people and all my clients. Now I’ve finally found some to make my own. I don’t have so much to tell about this website specifically or to tell you what I am going to be focused on here since I don’t know it myself yet. For now, I will just spam random sh*t here! I will just blog and post about anything that comes to my mind.

How I came with this idea

I saw an article in which was written about this fun challenge. Now, many people say that scientists proved a few times already that it takes 21 days to create a new habit. This really made me wonder about what new habit would I like to get and it just came to my mind that I’ve always wanted to write a blog, doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad. So here I am beginning this challenge with a promise to myself that will make it to the end!


Google says that nearly million blogs are being created and deleted every day on the internet. It’s kind of hard to believe that so many people around the globe are willing to write and blog. Blogging seems to be a popular hobby. For some people, it’s not only a hobby but it’s also a way to live, earn and express themselves. Honestly, I envy those people on their persistence.


I don’t really expect too much from my blog. I’ve made it for myself, to try and see how it feels to blog about things I do and love. Who knows, it might become something else in a few months or I might delete it. I hope it will all work out and that I will successfully create a new productive habit. Feel free to comment and leave feedback! Let the blogging journey begin!


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