by daxdax89 | Apr 10, 2018 | Blog
I know I know… You thought I’ve given up on writing my blog posts. Well, to be honest, I didn’t I’ve just had so much happening in my life. New job and projects, moving out to my own place, my brother having a baby and so much more that I might... by daxdax89 | May 3, 2017 | Life
Hello Internet. I’ve just came back from holidays and i thought i could write about holiday itself as i was asked numerous times from people around the world about how and what do we do in Serbia when labor day comes. What’s labor day? Labor day is famous... by daxdax89 | Apr 18, 2017 | Blog
I’ve always wanted a website and blog Finally! Blogging idea is becoming a reality! I’ve made my own website with a blog included. It’s been a few years already that I am making a bunch of websites for other people and all my clients. Now I’ve...
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