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Back to my Blog After a Long Pause

Back to my Blog After a Long Pause

I know I know… You thought I’ve given up on writing my blog posts. Well, to be honest, I didn’t I’ve just had so much happening in my life. New job and projects, moving out to my own place, my brother having a baby and so much more that I might...
Labour Day in Serbia as Important Holiday

Labour Day in Serbia as Important Holiday

Hello Internet. I’ve just came back from holidays and i thought i could write about holiday itself as i was asked numerous times from people around the world about how and what do we do in Serbia when labor day comes. What’s labor day? Labor day is famous...
Blogging – Beginning of my Online Journey

Blogging – Beginning of my Online Journey

I’ve always wanted a website and blog Finally! Blogging idea is becoming a reality! I’ve made my own website with a blog included. It’s been a few years already that I am making a bunch of websites for other people and all my clients. Now I’ve...