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Back to my Blog After a Long Pause

I know I know… You thought I’ve given up on writing my blog posts. Well, to be honest, I didn’t I’ve just had so much happening in my life. New job and projects, moving out to my own place, my brother having a baby and so much more that I might post about in the future. But well, the most important thing is that I am finally back now with some awesome ideas, plans, experiments, and projects so let me tell you about them!

My Future Plans

So, other than continuing to write and post on my blog I’ve decided to do something extra as well. As you might notice on your way here, my blog, website and everything is completely changed. You can see there is a gaming section added. That’s because as much as it sounds weird, I’ve made a decision to combine my two different worlds into the one. It will be easier for me to update and maintain. The main purpose of the gaming section will be to focus on my streaming. That’s right folks! I will start streaming probably somewhere around next week on Twitch. So if you are already on twitch, make sure to follow me for all the future streaming content. I am more than glad to hear all kinds of feedback from you guys.

Twitch Goals

Every time I start a project, experiment or just want to play around i tend to set my own goal that i will be chasing and be motivated to accomplish. A few of my friends asked me: “Hey Dax, are you doing this because of money?”. No, i don’t. I already have my daily job that i am completely satisfied with and i don’t really seek for some additional income even thou i won’t mind if it happens with Twitch. The main goal for my streaming plans is to try and create some chill and cool community where people might come and hang out with me and my friends while playing some interesting games. So, if i would have to set a high end goal for my Twitch channel that would definitely be reaching and becoming a Twitch Partner.

Blog Goals

As stupid as it sounds, this might be actually the hardest goal for me personally. Finding a time to write a post these days is challenge for me. Not only because of work but also because of many other real-life errands that I have to deal with daily, especially now since I’ve just moved in into my own place. I saw somewhere online some cool blog challenges like the one where you need to post contentiously for 21 days in order to create a new blogging habit. I was thinking about it for some time now and who knows, I might try the challenge soon. For now, I just hope that I won’t make such a huge pause as I did previously and that I will be able to post at least once per week. Although it would be amazing if I could do it 3 times per week right?

Work Goals

When it comes to working I think that for the first time since I am freelancing I can say that I am completely satisfied and happy about my current projects. I am currently working with amazing and talented people. The projects i am working on currently are AnthemGold and HERC. You should definitely check them out! I like their ideas and innovation. Their perspective of the future is amazing. Together we are trying to make many issues that many of us are facing online. Especially when it comes to paying online. We have amazing CEO and CTO, young, ambitious and talented backed up by awesome company president that together are making a team that never loses.

So that’s it for now. There is so much I have to talk about but I will leave it for one of the next blog posts so I can talk more about it.


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