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GitOps Explained

GitOps Explained

Hey folks, here I am this time after not that long time with another post about what seems to be one of the often asked questions during DevOps interviews, “What is GitOps”. It’s almost 3 am for me as I am writing this one so I will try to keep it as...
How to Create Secured CodeCommit Repository

How to Create Secured CodeCommit Repository

Even though it might not be as popular as GitHub or GitLab is, Code Commit can be very capable when it comes to deploying production systems. I’ve used to be a big fan of GitHub but lately, I’ve become very neutral as I’ve learned that in most cases...
Deployment Strategies Every DevOps Should Know

Deployment Strategies Every DevOps Should Know

Hello, internet! Happy new 2021! I hope it’s going to better than the previous one which definitely was the worst year ever for some people. Sun always comes up as they say so let’s not start this article dark and focus on a more interesting and brain...
How to Automatically Start and Stop AWS RDS Databases

How to Automatically Start and Stop AWS RDS Databases

So I am back to document yet another approach to the solution I might need often in the future. In my case, the scenario for a production system that was using a few databases was that the whole system should be started at 7 am and stopped a 6 pm as per the...