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GitOps Explained

Hey folks, here I am this time after not that long time with another post about what seems to be one of the often asked questions during DevOps interviews, "What is GitOps". It's almost 3 am for me as I am writing this one so I will try to keep it as short as...

Unicast vs Multicast vs Broadcast

Hello internet, as usual, I am writing after a long period. Its' my dream to be consistent when it comes to blogging, but with work, family, and lately a lot of gaming, this is just impossible for me. A few days ago I've had an interesting toping with a colleague of...

How to Install pgAdmin on Ubuntu?

Hello everyone, today I am going to show you how can we install pgAdmin graphical web interface on your server in order to easily manage all your databases. I will be doing this on Ubuntu 20 but the process itself shouldn't be that much different for Ubuntu 18 and...

Create Read-Only Access for AWS RDS Postgres

Hello, today I am going to write about one of the operations I've found to be a little more different on AWS than on a normal self-installed/hosted Postgres database. Apparently, AWS RDS by default gives some default privileges to the public schemas inside the...

Introduction to Concourse

You probably wonder if I am this bored when I am about to write an article about Concourse but my main goal today is going to be to show you how easy, safe, and smooth it is and maybe why is it better than Jenkins? (I bet 90% of you closed this page after reading...
How to Automatically Start and Stop AWS RDS Databases

How to Automatically Start and Stop AWS RDS Databases

So I am back to document yet another approach to the solution I might need often in the future. In my case, the scenario for a production system that was using a few databases was that the whole system should be started at 7 am and stopped a 6 pm as per the client's...

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How to Create a Bastion Host on AWS the Right Way

How to Create a Bastion Host on AWS the Right Way

Finally i am writing on a DevOps subject a little bit. There will be many posts in the future about DevOps so make sure you subscribe to stay tuned. Last week i've accepted a full time job offer as DevOps Engineer from a company that seemed to be doing the right way....

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7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Coding Skills

7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Coding Skills

I know, I know... I am writing again after like forever even though I've promised I will be writing more often. Well, I could tell you that I was busy but I wasn't. You can always find free time for things you love. I was just lazy. I am going through the coder's...

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81 Principles of Good UX Design

81 Principles of Good UX Design

Hello, world. Recently I've bought a book that actually contains 101 principles but I've merged a few of those into one or removed some finding them not so important for 2019 and I've read it and I couldn't just go on with the next book till I comment this one with...

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How to Install WordPress on Namecheap in Less than 5 Minutes

How to Install WordPress on Namecheap in Less than 5 Minutes

Login and go to Your Account Dashboard So the first things first. Before starting everything, you will need to login inside your Namecheap account, buy your desired hosting package and your domain name. Once you do, make sure you are inside your account dashboard. It...

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Learning Coding in 2022

Learning Coding in 2022

Hello, world! Here I come again after a few months since I posted last time which is when I promised I will post in a few days... Well, what can I say? Sorry! Life has been super duper busy for me. But let's leave that for some other post. So, last night I was...

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I’ve Lost my Car Keys

I’ve Lost my Car Keys

Losing car keys can be pain in the ass and trust i would know since this just happened to me. So just when i was about to plan my mini holiday with my girlfriend about going to Italy or maybe Hungary, this incredible bad luck happened to me. I've lost my car keys....

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It's been more than a week since I've wrote a last post. I know, i did promise i will write one post every few days but this time i actually have a good excuse. I was invited by my colleagues and by Mr. President himself to personally attend at anniversary of...

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