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Fiverr, My First Sale Finally Happened

That’s right people! Last night one of my gigs got my first sale! I was so happy after seeing an email from Fiverr saying that I have an order waiting for me. It was the smallest one for 5$ but it doesn’t really matter since I wasn’t expecting it to happen at all. I’ve put my gigs online only 2 days ago. I didn’t even advertise or do any marketing about them. I didn’t even place them here on my website. Honestly, I was thinking that my first sale won’t happen for a week or two for sure. But it happened!

About Fiverr

Fiverr is a website where you can get your tasks done for a low as only 5$. It doesn’t matter if it’s a web page, logo, article or anything else that might come to your mind, you can find everything on Fiverr! It’s a simple system. Clients can also make custom requests if they feel like they can’t find a good fit for their tasks and then freelancers are able to bid on those requests. Fees are low for freelancers. If you sell your gig for 5$, for example, you will have 4$ left and Fiverr will take 1$. This turns out to be standard today. UpWork is also charging 20%, so nothing new to us freelancers.

Fiverr also has apps for both, iOs and Android so you will get notified as soon as you get an offer, message or any kind of notification. Of course, you also get all this on the email as well. It even supports Chrome notifications! There is nothing I could tell bad about Fiverr at this moment.

How it happened

As I’ve already said, I didn’t really take any action or try my best to sell out my gigs. I’ve got 3 gigs and all are placed online 2 days ago. You can see my profile and my gigs here. So last night I got a message from one of the freelancers I’ve invited to Fiverr. I’ve invited over 20 people who joined Fiverr. You can also join and get a bonus on this link here if you are interested.

A guy who texted me was having some trouble with his own work he had to do and he asked me if I could help him out. Therefore, I’ve made a custom offer for 5$ and sent him. Since he was online, he accepted after only 5 minutes or so.

The help he needed was about some kind of login form layout. He just couldn’t get it right. So I’ve opened my favorite programming IDE Sublime Text 3  and finished what he already has started. It took me about 10 minutes in total. I’ve sent him a message with a screenshot asking if he like what I’ve done, he said that is satisfied but wants just a few color changes. So once again I’ve tweaked the login form and sent him a whole project in a .rar file format. After only 15 minutes I’ve got the message in my mail saying “Congrats On Your First Sale!”.

 It was really a satisfying feeling seeing this mail. I mean, this is not the first time I’ve made money online with my coding skills, I’ve made tons of money at Guru, but it’s still the very first time I did it on Fiverr. It gave me a few minutes of pure happiness.


I got to say that I don’t really expect a rain of gig sales coming on my way out of nowhere now suddenly just because I’ve got my first 5 stars sale, but I do hope it will increase my chances to get some more. It’s fun and it’s something I do enjoy in while working. I might ask around some experts to give me some kind of advice about how can I increase gig sales. Needless to say that I will keep trying to get my first project on Upwork. After all, UpWork does bring more money, right?

One more thing to mention is that many people are actually using Fiverr to outsource projects. This might seem silly but imagine if you land a project on UpWork for 50$ and hire someone on Fiverr for 5$ to do it for you? You would earn 45$ by literally doing nothing right? So that’s one more opportunity for all you enthusiasts out there.

So that’s all for today. I hope you will be brave enough to start your own gigs and earn some additional money on the way as well. If you get stuck or need any kind of help, I will be more than happy to help you out with all the issues you might have. As always you can contact me at one of my social networks or you can write to me in the contact form at the bottom of the homepage of my website.



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