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Hosting Plans.

The minimum contract duration is one year.

For every year paid upfront, there is a one month free. Example: If you pay for one year you get 1 month free. Therefore you would save $25. If you pay for 4 years, you get 4 months free. Therefore you would save $100.

Loyalty discounts to clients who used to work with me before or still working with me.

Payments can be done monthly, every 3 months, every 6 months or yearly via PayPal, Skrill, Payoneer, Credit Cards, Bitcoin, Ethereum.


Contact Me.

Feel free to send me a message and tell me all about your business, project, vision, dream , app or anything you think i could help you with. You could even just say hi to let me know you were here 🙂 I will try my best to answer as soon as possible.

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